What is an airport software suite?

What is an airport software suite? What does it do to people’s lives?

Berman’s airport software suite has played a large role, because it implements the will of the industry’s most advanced baggage handling system of high-level control system combined with intuitive user interface based on web, so we can see that the usability and efficiency of the baggage handling process, they have been promoted to a new level.

The base of the airport software suite is a set of mature standard control modules. Each module can play a large role, they can achieve the most advanced system control function, the optimal availability and reliability of the system can be effectively guaranteed.

As you can see, its user interface is simple and intuitive, all software modules can be graphically displayed, and software modules for peripheral devices and subsystems are included. We can see it through the virtual desktop widgets, access to the system of the full set of data is operator can do, the entire baggage handling system can be safe.

The thing you need to do is make sure every piece of luggage is delivered safely and accurately. Therefore, we all know that this is extremely high requirement for the visualization, control and tracking of the baggage handling process. Rational planning and management are all things that need to be done, and statistical analysis of the baggage flow and key performance indicators must be done. In addition, the most advanced simulation, training, and optimization tools need to be available, because employees’ productivity and process efficiency need to be improved.

The software platform of the web page is the foundation. Based on this platform, the application of a unified user interface for multiple types of hardware devices to the airport software suite is also realized. The video wall of a workstation or central control room, as well as a variety of mobile platform devices, are included. For example, radio frequency devices, tablets and smartphones, for example.