What is the hand grip?

What is the hand grip? What does it do? We can look at its advantages.

Efficient pallestacking tool is hand grip, do you know what its application scope is? Generally speaking, it is suitable for the stacking of a stable material bag. Its stacking ability is also very strong, about 1,200 pieces per hour.

What is the hand grip? What advantages does it have? What does it do?

If you want to stack a large number of shape-stable bags, you can use both hands, as the hands grip can play a big role in this situation. Its stacking ability is very strong, it can reach 1,900 pieces/hour.

What is the tray grip? What does it do? Now, let’s take a look at this.

In the case of not using an empty tray conveyor, you can also install a tray grab, and a new empty tray can be automatically implemented.

What is the sucker grip? What does it do? Now, let’s take a look at this sucker grip.

If the package of the stacking surface can be adsorbed, the use of the sucker is our recommendation. Because it can be handled gently, it also has a strong stacking ability, which can be as high as 400 pieces per hour. We can see that even if the stacking is unstable, it is extremely reliable.

What’s the parallel grip? What advantages does it have? Now, let’s look at the parallel grip.

If is the package shape stability, you can use the parallel gripper, we can give you an example, for example, if the cartons, you can use the parallel gripper: its pallet ability general, about 600 items per hour.

What is the special grip? What advantages does it have?

Special grip is a kind of grip that can be customized according to specific products and their performance. It can be satisfied for different needs.